Every year we ask ourselves…”How does my speaker compare to othe bookshelf speakers out there ?” “Is it stll relevant”, “Does my bookshelf still sound good ?”
Its not easy to compare, let alone to hear what is out there. Hence the Bookshelf fest.
Here you can listen and FIND a sound you like and aspire to own it. You can move them around to other amplifiers and listen if a bigger amplifier really makes a difference. Will a valve amplifier make it sweeter ? Will a solid state bring more bass ?
And meet like wise minded individuals over a beer and steak!

The Mind-Da MC845 with its 300B/845 configuration worked great for most of the bookshelf’s
It did suffer a little on the power hungry Vivid with only 20W output
Its sound was superb, it made even the surround speakers sound stunning

The SVS bookshelf speakers are a force to be reckoned with. They have the ability to go loud with utter composure. Never harsh, always rocking
The Roksan Kandy K2 TR5
Truely a high end speaker. The ribbon has a peticular resolving ability. Bringing out subtle nuances and lovely airiness.
The bass when placed correctly is amazing and tight. On the right amp this becomes totally unbeatable in value.

The MC3008ABSE is bigger brother of the MC845-C12.
This 300B/805 amplifier produces a healthy 40W. Enough for all but the craziest bookshelf speakers (Sonus Faber Extrema comes to mind)
To my ears almost as good as its 845 brother, yet maybe in the upper registers its king.

The MC368-B90 is a bargain. For its price, where are you going to get 70W of integrated power plus the ability to play in triode mode ?
The little amp excells with “lazy” and polite speakers. Bringing their inner sparkle out and making the bass tight.
Bel Canto Stack making those Ming Da amplifiers work to bring forth their best.
The SVS sounded incredible

What more can be said about the Vivid V1.5 that have not been said ?
Well, this year with some serious good amplification behind it, it shone like never before!
Don’t play with low power amplifiers here, 70W+ and they bloom

The KEF LS50
this speaker never ceases to amaze. It was in excellent company and held its own, garning a substantial number of votes.
An easy to drive speaker that flourished under crystal clear valve amplification.

One of the stars of the show. The Acoustic Energy Radiance 1.
For the price a bargain, punching in the R50k bracket. Beautiful bass and articulate highs, voice are flowing from its midrange.

The Ming-Da MC34. The Audiophile bargain.
30W+ and lovely sound, all for a tad more than R20k! It has a lovely slightly mellow sound. This is an amplifier to tame harsh electronics and exhuberant bright speakers.
What a feast.
The Big Speech

and they are listening attentively….

Some more photos

and they are listening attentively….

The Big Speech

and they are listening attentively….