So is the Ultra a home cinema speaker ? YES, a bloody good one. Its going to amaze you, the package will thrill you.
But what about stereo ? Most of us have the problem, mixing Stereo listening with Home cinema. Maybe that is solved here. Your front DON’T have to change now.
I DO feel that 95% of home cinema amplifiers wont do it justice. Make no mistake, all the medium to top models will drive it well… but this speaker deserves more.
I deserves a brilliant front end. It deserves that $5000 amplifier, DAC. It deserves the best affordable amplification.
I started out with the Perreaux 150i. It was very good, so good in fact that I realized it deserves MORE. So how good is this little upstart ? Well the simple way to find out is to wheel out your reference system and hear what happens…. And hear I did!
Linked to the EMMLabs, Audio Research Reference 5 and Perreaux Prism 350p/ Manley Reference 600 it was stunning good. Playing out of its league and comfortable at it too.

The SVS loudspeaker design philosophy is simple – high quality components and expert acoustical design will produce a loudspeaker which sounds as good as it measures. Final voicing is performed by audiophiles who routinely attend live music events. The result is a loudspeaker with exemplary tonal balance and transparency, a wide and deep sound stage, excellent micro-dynamics, and natural timbre.

Bass, yes this is the first impression. Good solid rhythmic bass. A drum, bass guitar and double bass all separated clearly. I have heard lots of side firing speakers last few years. THIS one does it well. The woofers are smaller than most. The sides are not parallel, slightly slanted forward. It looks good, but I somehow feel that flare improves it. Its tight. No it doesn’t even try to reach 25Hz but 35-45Hz is there at full tilt. It has a big port at the back. The back is also slanted, so how will that interact with a corner ? I have no idea. The midrange woofers goes nice and low and integrates with the woofers to add slam.
Now pull out that bass guitar and crank it. You wont be disappointed. I dare you not to smile. It comes though with enough power and slam to convince. Male voices have the gruffness we expect. Good. Female vocals. Everybody loves Cassidy and Katie, but oh boy when they crank it up my ears fold and hide. Not his time. A tiny wiggle but they stayed put
The important upper registers. Right. Its not a ribbon. Its not a diamond or BE tweeter. That being out of the way. It is good. Good to almost excellent. There are very few tweeters that makes me praise them. I am treble shy and thus biased. For a treble connoisseur this will be satisfying enough. I liked the fact that I could pull out my “treble punishment” tracks and managed to listen right through. Listen to George Michael – The first time ever I saw your face. The “Sssss” goes on long and clear. This song will quickly tell you if your crossover is inferior or your tweeter lazy.
The speaker is a bargain. At R44000 its becoming a bargain. There are very few R50k speakers (NEW) that can hold their own against the SVS Ultra.
This is not a competitor for the Kef Reference 3 or the B&W 803. Its not as delicate, fast and analytical as a Eggleston. Its not art like a Sonus. But then its managed to create its own little space in the crowded medium priced floor stander category.
$2000 a pair, surely you are kidding ? I think we have a serious bargain here!