Audio Research PH3 Phono Stage
Original price was: R38,000.00.R8,000.00Current price is: R8,000.00.
The PH3 is a phono preamplification stage intended for use with an active line-level stereo preamplifier. Fully single-ended from input to output, the PH3 uses a combination of J-FET input stage technology (for low inherent circuit noise) and class A operation vacuum-tube gain via three 6922 twin triodes. Total gain of the PH3 is 54 dB (non-adjustable). Used with typical line preamplifiers having 12 to 18 dB of gain, the PH3 is suitable for phono cartridges having .25 mV output or higher. Input impedance is factory-set at 47K ohms, and input capacitance at 90 pF. For optimal matching to moving-coil and moving-magnet phono cartridges, both input impedance and input capacitance may be adjusted via simple resistor and capacitor changes.

STRENGTH:Great value ,class a recomended WEAKNESS:Its the best phonostage ive heard so far so i cant be negative. Hi there,the ph3, is a very fine phonostage ,i can live with.especially for the money they are now.I think i have the later model with electro harmonix tubes @ removeable power cord.Ive tried various good tubes ,to bring it up a few notches. For me 2 siemens e188cc,7308 have to be in there, they do lots of good things. @ a phillips- amperex e188cc ,7308 in there as well ,which gives a nice musical presence with mid range warmth, that i prefer.You may wish to experiment with a new power cord,i have, but theres nothing wrong with the original.With these alterations you may not want to upgrade,hope this is helpful to lots of you good people out there.cheers Audio Research. Similar Products Used: AR Ph 1,another good product,Bellari @ plinius |
[Feb 16, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
STRENGTH:Brings you into the music ,as intended. WEAKNESS:None detected. This is the Great Northern Sound Company (GSNC) Reference Mod. Steve and his gang of hifi craftman, bring the PH3 to the SE level – and beyond. Currenty running with Amperex NOS ecc88’s from Andy at Vintage Tubes. (Note: Both Steve and Andy run companies that place a high priority on helping the customer. Steve was very kind with his time, and after a bit of discussion, convinced me not to send my AR SP9 ii for him to upgrade. Felt it would not deliver what I was looking for… Over a year later, the upgraded PH3 came back to him on a trade in, and he was correct – this is a quantum jump over the SP9 ii. Andy talked to my level, asked a few questions, then promply suggested the matched tubes burning now.) So how does it sound. Nice, even, quick, full, solid mid’s and clearn crisp highs, base is just what it should be, as the artist/mixer intended. At this price point, it would be hard to beat the bang for the buck and value GSNC breathes into the AR PH3…. Mixed With Similar Products Used: AR SP9ii |
[May 06, 2002]
Laurence Goldman
STRENGTH:Flawless operation Information retrieval and dynamics WEAKNESS:None I also have an Audio Research PH3SE using Simon Yorke Turntable system with Clearaudio Insider cartridge going into Audio Silver Night 300B Monoblocks, Hovland, Harmonic Technology cables, with Sonus Faber Electra Amator 1 speakers. On the strength of the other reviews I bought some Siemens NOS tubes to replace the Sovtek. My experience differed from the other reviewers in that while the character of the sound was less bright there was no change is presentation, dynamics of amounts of bass. I ended up using the Sovteks supplied because there appeared greater clarity though the same information was being relayed. The PH3 remains an excellent phono amp and personally I wouldn”t change a thing to the SE model. I also changed the driver tubes on my Audio amps and similarly found little change to what I already had so tube rolling can be a waste of money…be careful! Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 20, 2000]
STRENGTH:Realism, clarity, great build quality. WEAKNESS:None I had the PH3 for a year and a half and upgraded to the PH3-SE. The difference was astonishing. Bass went deeper, the midrange was more fleshed out. Everything was more even. I agree with the other post below on changing out the Sovtek 6922 tubes. I recently put in Amperex NOS 1960’s vintage 6DJ8’s, and it was well worth it. Attack on guitar strings is more resolved so they sound more realistic, bass is better controlled, decays are fuller. That’s not the best description, but the difference is serious. I understand that ARC cannot market equipment with tubes that will be hard to find replacements for, and so stay with the Sovteks, but please change yours out. I did the same with my ARC preamp, which had good impact, but not as dramatic as the phono preamp change. |