McIntosh MC352 350×2 Power Amplifier

Original price was: R220,000.00.Current price is: R88,000.00.


Power output: 350 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo), 700 watts into 4Ω (mono)

Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.005%

Damping factor: 40

Input sensitivity: 1.9V

Signal to noise ratio: 116dB

Speaker load impedance: 2Ω to 8Ω

Dimensions: 225.8 x 445 x 533mm

Weight: 47.63kg



McIntosh MC352 Amplifiers


350 wpc Solid State Amplifier (Balanced Push/Pull Design)


Showing 1-10 of 27
[Jun 29, 2021]
Strength:Bathroom remodel can expertly put to reality your unique preference, taste, and vision.

Weakness:none so far

[Jun 26, 2021]
Strength:The strengths of the MC352 are it’s very powerful, seemingly beyond it’s specified rating, and it’s easy to listen to. The MC352 replaced my old MC7270, which was also a great amplifier but I wanted more power and a balanced design. I’ve always enjoyed my McIntosh equipment and have never lost money on a single McIntosh component. Great investment.

Weakness:If it has a weakness I haven’t found it yet.

Price Paid:
Model Year:
[Nov 29, 2019]
Strength:These reviews here are not for the MA352 They are old reviews and are for other Mc equipment? Get rid of them and there is a picture on the Mc website. Post it. I have heard the MA 252 push Sonus Faber Adias. It was pretty awesome so the 5 stars. Those are top of the line speakers in any book. This also features ability to as 2 subs which is another major plus. I have not heard this model yet but will be purchasing it as soon as I get the Do Ray Me…. The MS 252 was a high and vast soundstage. As big as these speakers are it was above them. Pretty impressive for a little guy. It was in a room run by Pass which was amazing but of course, it was Pass Labs. If you don’t have the means for Pass this is an alternative you can easilyyyyy live with. This will do much better than it’s little brother/sister and boasts double the power which my Magico S3’s will love. The analogue over the digital read out is the deal for me. 5 band tone controls also a plus as I like a varied range of music. Wayyy Cool and what you would expect from Mc

Weakness:Negative: Does not have a MC phono stage, only a MM. Should just have none then and lower the price point. Buying at this level you should upgrade as you see fit. I have MC and MM carts on different tables and would like the plug and play option which at this price should be available. No balance control but I do not care about this as much as some do as the voice can be off center a little on some recordings. If you have a small prime seating area and are anal about it, I do understand their point of view.

Price Paid:
Model Year:
[Aug 27, 2003]
Chris Rud
Strength:Build quality, excellent factory support, lots of power, unique appearance, high resale value, excellent manual and packaging.

Weakness:Expensive, slightly warm sounding, unique appearance, large and heavy.

I never really considered myself a McIntosh fan, but this amplifier changed my attitude towards this virtual icon of the audio industry. It seems like there are two camps in regard to McIntosh equipment. One camp has an almost cult like devotion to anything that comes out of the factory. The other camp seems to dismiss anything made by McIntosh whether they have personally auditioned the equipment or not. In the past I would have fallen in the second camp, which I now realize was a mistake. The biggest attribute the MC 352 has to offer is that it’s just plain musical. Forget all the audiophile terms and extremes and just sit back and listen to this thing make beautiful music with a relaxed and perhaps somewhat warm presentation. There are many amps out there that do different things extremely well, but lack musicality. I have come to a point in my audio life where I want to turn on my gear dim the lights and just listen to music without having to critique every single aspect of the presentation; the MC 352 does just that to my ears. As I said above the MC 352 does err on the warmer side of neutral. Again I hate to discuss minute audiophile details too much, but if you’re using an overly warm or rolled off loudspeaker you might want to try it with the MC 352 before purchase. Equipment matching is always an issue, and in my opinion the amplifier/loudspeaker interface is the most important. The first time I heard the Mac was in an audio store with a pair of Thiel 3.6’s. To my ears the Thiel 3.6’s were always too bright in the treble and tended to become fatiguing over time. The first time I ever heard the 3.6’s sound good was when there were lashed up to the MC 352. Now I’m not saying that the 352 is going to roll off all the highs unless you have overly bright speakers. I am just saying that you should give it an audition with your speakers if they tend to err on the darker side in the treble. I have found the Mac to be an excellent match with Thiel, Dynaudio, and Dunlavy speakers. Another thing you get with this or any McIntosh purchase is peace of mind. Peace of mind in that you have a company that WILL stand behind the equipment they make whether you buy it used or new for as long as you own it. I like the fact that I can purchase McIntosh gear that is 10, 20 or 30 years old and still get parts and service. I also like that fact that the McIntosh look doesn’t change much over time. Let’s face it at the kind of money you have to spend on high end gear you should be able to expect it to look AND sound good. Most of the high-end companies out there tend to do complete facelifts every few years just to get their customers to trade in for the newest look and tiny circuit change. I kind of equate McIntosh gear to Harley’s, you can buy a nice Japanese sport bike that changes EVERY year, or you can buy a Harley once and it will always look like the current bikes available. So as you can read by my review I have become a McIntosh fan, I’ve even grown accustomed to the infamous McIntosh look and I’m very fond of it. The build quality on all the Mac gear I’ve seen and used is exemplary and so far bulletproof. There is also nothing wrong with owning gear that keeps its resale value just about forever. At some point I may wish to purchase McIntosh MC 1200’s or something with even more power, it’s nice to know that the MC 352 will still be very desirable on the used market which helps out on new gear purchases. Do yourself a favor and give the MC 352 a long audition, I think you’ll love it!

Similar Products Used:

Mark Levinson 333/336/33H, Audio Research VT-200, Classe’ Audio S-700, 25, 15, Krell KSA 200S, 300S

[Jun 26, 2003]
Steve Huff
Strength:Build, looks, SOUND, silky smooth, gobs of power, reliable, cool blue meters, and Mcintosh is a GREAT USA company that has been in business for over 50 years!

Weakness:0, ziltch, NOTHING. This was well worth the 43600 I paid for it. This will be my last amp I ever buy. If it ever dies I will buy another Mac.

WOW…after three years of swapping amps, preamps, speakers, cables and losing some big money doing it, I FINALLY found the exact sound i was looking for. I had to spend some bigger $$ to get here, but its better than constantly losing money buying and selling gear. I have some B&W Nautilus 602’s and I was usinga Cary V12i and SLP98p – The sound was thin, flat and not enjoyable. The B&W’s are hard to drive so its not the Carys fault, BUT I have also tried sunfire amps, pass labs, krell and others but when I put in this Mcintosh amp with the 2200 pre amp it was heaven. if you can get this amp used BUY IT. It has gobs of power, smooth sound, plenty O bass and a build quality like Ive never seen. The cool blue meters are awesome as well. Best amp Ive ever heard. Even (much) better than the Levinson I had. Everyone should try out Mcintosh. If they did, they would finally be happy!

Similar Products Used:

Levinson (WAY WAY over rated), Linn, Cary, Sunfire, Quicksilver Audio, Krell, Denon, Sonic Frontiers and many more.

[May 28, 2003]
Casual Listener
Strength:Only the appearance.I do not doubt that this products can have good sound but without support I believe I will not discover it.

Weakness:BAD SUPPORT and NO WARRANTY until the moment.

I was acquired an amplifier McIntosh MC352 and an preamplifier C41 in September of the last year. The amplifier has a spot in the left measurer of watts (factory defect) to which I did not make case. When connecting them it disappointed the sound to me because it is listened to with little depth and glare. The needles of the measurers almost arrive at the mark of the 350 watts and more and the gain control of the amplifier I must raise it until half or more which seems to me excessive in an amplifier of this one power handling these speakers B&W DM604 that are in the the 200 category of watts. I have interconnected the amplifier and preamplifier with cables XLR in the balanced way as well as in way nonbalanced with coaxial cables without improving the sound. In one of the exits of the preamplifier I added to subwoofer Polk Audio of 180 watts and this one is listened too bad (distorted). I sent an email to the McIntosh company and as answer spoke me of METEX and they suggested me spoke to an expert in my city which I did but there was no error in the conections.I was pay much money by these products and waited for more of them as far as quality of sound and power. I sent emails to McIntosh and received the follow answer: “Did you listen to the system at your dealer before buying it? I am surprised at your description of the sound, what is your room like, very large? You say the powererd sub sounds bad? I dont see how the McIntosh could cause that. Did your dealer come out to your house and listen to the system? Chuck Hinton of McIntosh Tech Support” I Answer: I didn´t listen the system before buying it because I live in Monterrey,N.L. and the dealer is in Guadalajara,Jal. (dealer authorized in México) I contact the company by phone. I did listen one of this amplifiers at Marvin Electronics but I buyed the products in México for the lower price. The room is 4×4 meters. The powered subwoofer sounds distorted ( I connect it to de LISTEN outputs 1 or 2 at rear of the preamp.) The same subwoofer sounds good when I connect it to a Pioneer receiver of 110 watts/ch (to a sub out) My dealer don´t come to my house to listen to the system because are very far of my city (more than twelve hours of trip). They sent me the products by a shipping company. I don´t attempt to take any advantage and I was thinking too much time before to take the decision for ask your support. I ask in the previous message if some return of change could be handled because the amplifier have a spot in the left watts meter and what I go to do if I try to sell it. I´ll wait for your answer Gracias Dr. Jorge Mora I don´t received any answer.I sent new email: Mr.Chuck Hinton: I sent you the previous email at 21/ May / 03 . Please tell me what you think. I am connecting the subwoofer to a wrong site in the preamp.? What type of cables recommends and how must I to connect?(I did followed the instructions of the manuals) You tell me you are surprised at my description of the sound. Believe me I was too surprised because I don´t buy this products whit the intention of have problems. I´ll wait your answer, it is not my intention to be foolish or crude and beforehand I will thank for its answer. Jorge Mora And till the moment I don´t have an answer.BAD SUPPORT and NO WARRANTY.

[Nov 25, 2002]
Dave Mamrak
Strength:Deep Bass, smooth presentation


I found this amp used for $2750 at Upscal Audio so I jumped at it. The first thing I noticed when I fired it up in my system was the deep bass and smoothness. I was using a Rotel amp before and it worked just fine. However the McIntosh is heads above the Rotel. I have never really heard tube equipment but I imagine this is what they call the smooth sound of tubes. I am using a McIntosh C37 preamp and I can barely turn the volume up on this amp. Using the balanced inputs to the amp is the best way to go. The only drawback to this beast is that it is heavy with a capital ‘H’. It weighs in at 105 lbs and in its custom box, it weighs close to 130. You don’t want to have to move this baby very far. If you can find this amp for less than $3000 go for it!

Similar Products Used:

Rotel RB-1090

[Jun 16, 2002]
Chris Huneke
Strength:Very Musical, Brings out the nuances in recordings (in some cases it brings out the “bad” in some recordings) Vocals cut through any mix with this amplifier.

Weakness:My god make sure you don’t have a bad back. This sucker is heavy and not easy to carry up staircases!

After years of auditioning, buying, and selling different amplifiers, I’m pretty sure I’ve found what I’m looking for. It’s only been about 2 months, but I’m convinced the Mac 352 will stay in the listening room. I recently purchased two Rotel RB1090 amps. While they were very solid, and stable, they just didn’t have that “musical” feel. I kept one and sold the other, and now I have a Mac 352 for my Maggie 3.5R’s. I don’t need to go into anymore detail on how it sounds…the reviews below with take care of that. This is a MUSICAL amplifier. Enjoy!

Similar Products Used:

Rotel, Carver, Krell, Crown

[Feb 07, 2000]
player audio

Have anybody compare the MC 352 with the Classe Audio CA 301
power amp? Trying hard to decide betw them. I love to listen to vocals only. Would appreciate if somebody out there could advise.

Similar Products Used:

[Jan 10, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Strength:power, clarity


I have listened to this amp extensively with the B&W Nautilus 802’s, Audio Research CD, MC-40 Preamp. It was phenomenal all-around, power, clarity, sound stage. I have also heard this same configuration powered with several other amp’s (Adcom 5802, Rotel, Krell Kav-250) and I didn’t think any offered the same appeal. I also find the build quality to be superior.

Similar Products Used:

Adcom 5802, Krell kav-250, Carver TFM-25, Rotel

McIntosh MC352   McIntosh MC352 Product Brochure
Wanted! 350 WPC Stereo Amplifier Original List Price: 5399.00
McIntosh MC352 Possessing the legendary might of its forebears, the double-balanced MC352 attains a new level of refinement. Its high current output will drive any loudspeaker system to ultimate performance. Sonically transparent and lightning fast, the sound of the MC352 is simply the sound of music.
The MC352 is fully balanced from input to speaker output. Matched amplifiers operate in complimentary push-pull with their outputs combined in the McIntosh autoformer. The resulting double-balanced configuration cancels virtually all distortion.

An impedance mismatch between an amplifier and loudspeaker can cause distortion and a reduction in power. The legendary McIntosh autoformer is a hand crafted transformer with output connections for 2, 4 and 8 ohms (plus 1, 2 and 4 ohms for the MC352’s mono parallel mode), allowing an ideal impedance match. A McIntosh amplifier with an autoformer can also safely drive multiple speakers connected in parallel without shortening the life expectancy of the output stage. There is absolutely no performance penalty with an autoformer. In fact, its frequency response exceeds that of the output circuit itself, and extends well beyond the audible range. Distortion is so low it is virtually immeasurable.

Power Assurance is a collection of technologies that enhance performance and reliability and protect the amp and the loudspeakers.

Power Guard® clipping protection
Power Guard ensures that the amplifier will always deliver full power without causing clipping distortion. If an amplifier channel is overdriven, Power Guard automatically reduces the input volume just enough to keep distortion below 2% and prevent any clipping distortion. Thanks to an optical resistor, Power Guard acts literally at the speed of light, producing absolutely no audible side effects. An amplifier with Power Guard will actually deliver clipping-free output well above its rated power.

Sentry Monitor® current protection
Sentry Monitor continually senses the voltage and current of the output stage and confines it to a safe limit. Sentry Monitor does not limit power output.

  • RMS Power Output
    Min. sine wave continuous average power output per channel from 20Hz to 20kHz with all channels operating Stereo: 350W per channel (8/4/2 ohms) Mono Parallel: 700W (4/2/1 ohms)
  • Output Load Impedance
    Stereo: 2, 4 or 8 ohms · Mono Parallel: 1, 2 or 4 ohms
  • Rated Power Band 20Hz to 20kHz
  • Peak Output Current > 100 amperes
  • Total Harmonic Distortion
    0.005% maximum at any level from 250 mw to rated power output per channel from 20Hz to 20kHz with all channels operating
  • Intermodulation Distortion
    0.005% maximum if instantaneous peak power output does not exceed twice the output power rating
  • Dynamic Headroom 2.1dB
  • Frequency Response
    20Hz to 20kHz, +0 / -0.25dB · 10Hz to 100kHz, +0 / -3.0dB
  • Input Sensitivity Unbalanced: 1.9V Balanced: 3.8V
  • S/N Ratio (A-Weighted)
    Unbalanced: 85dB (116dB below rated output) Balanced: 115dB (124dB below rated output)
  • Damping Factor 40
  • Input Impedance Unbalanced: 20k ohms Balanced: 40k ohms
  • Power Guard®
    Clipping is prevented and THD does not exceed 2% with up to 14dB overdrive at 1kHz
  • Power Requirements
    100V 50/60Hz, 14.4A · 110V 50/60Hz, 13.0A
    120V 50/60Hz, 12.0A · 220v 50/60Hz, 6.50A
    230V 50/60Hz, 6.25A · 240V 50/60Hz, 6.00A
  • Dimensions (h x w x d)
    inch: 8.89 x 17.5 x 21 cm: 22.58 x 44.5 x 53.3
  • Weight
    105 lbs. (47.63kg) net 138 lbs. (63kg) shipping

350 WPC Balanced Amp. Designed by Charlie Randall.

Grade: B1 B1: 4399.00
Physical: Some light scratches – Excellent Condition
Electrical: Meets or exceeds original specs, all functions operate

Shipping weight: 160 lbs.

Related Categories:   Interconnects    Speaker Cable    Line Conditioners

Feedback: RE MC352 Boy, is this thing gorgeous. Works well, just starting to play with it. Just wanted to let you know how glad I am I went to your company when my friend asked me to buy this model of amp and then trade it to him for one of his that I had lusted after for years. I didn’t waste time wondering about his motivation – I just said yes immediately and then ordered from you because I knew the product would be in good shape. But this unit is above just “good shape”. I imagine years spent in an air-flow controlled equipment rack so that it never even got dusty. I am a very happy customer. GW, LA
A shout out to Audio Classics Vestal NY. They took in my sick MC352 and got it fixed quickly and made some bias adjustments while it was on the bench. It’s back in the system and working like new. Thanks to Ryan K and Mike S. MB, CT
Many thanks for the fast delivery of the Mcs-… Everything was packed securely, and arrived in ‘as new’ condition. Everything works perfectly & the aerial picks up all the radio stations we listen too- and the MC352 is sounding great! Again, many thanks- your service & friendless is a credit to Audioclassics! N.K., Australia
The MT-10 is beautiful, and after one tiny hitch, it was up and running. So far, it’s like someone replaced my albums with copies that have more stuff on them…. The MCD301 is also wonderful… They are a perfect fit with the C48 and the MC352…. I can’t thank you enough for the expert help that Mike provided me through all of this. I was told that to buy used McIntosh from anyone else was just too risky, and I believe that this is true. Thanks again…R.R., NC
Sitting here and living the c2300 for the first time. Sounds great out of the box. More detail and a whole lot more depth. A whole new experience. More important was the level of service you provided in turning around my MC 352. Looks great with the LEDs. I have been in sales my whole life and appreciate when I get smothered with great service. I can’t imagine buying anywhere else. D.M., NY
“Outstanding company! Knowledgeable friendly staff. I had the pleasure of dealing directly with owner Steve Rowell, recently with the purchase of a Mac C48 preamp and Mc 352 power amp. Fantastic equipment, fantastic store. Don’t hesitate to buy from Audio Classics!!!” P.D. NY
like to thank mike for helping me build my stereo. mcd500/ c2200/ 2 mc352 and b7 phantoms. I want to take a minute to thank yall for your service. yall are the best in my eyes. a company that helps there customers after the sale. and takes pride in helping there customers. my best to mike. and the team thanks again R.B., TX
The MC352 came in loaded on a pallet at my office 2 days earlier than expected. I got it home that night and had it set up and running in my music room within an hour or so and stayed up all night, just listening. It is GREAT with my C48 and my Klipsch H3’S. The condition of the unit is Brand new and is truly a beautiful piece of machinery. The balanced cables and accessories fit perfectly. The MC352 replaced my old MC 7270 which still is a great Amp, just not up to the 20 year newer technology. The MC352 with it’s dual balanced circuitry is a major improvement over the very good older amp. The MC 352 preforms outstandingly with it’s silky rich sound and it’s wide dynamic range which reproduces percussion instruments as they actually sound. The MC 7270 and C28 are now in my shop with my K Horns and all is happy, at least for the moment.Doing business with you was a pleasure and your technical knowledge made it all happen. M.M., LA
…. got (the MC352) amp today. Its really nice. just wanted to take a min. to thank ya for the perfect service. you got a customer for life. still have a few more items to get. R.B., TX
I just wanted to let you know that the MC352 has arrived! Your recommendations and customer service were the best I have ever experienced. The sound of the MC352 is in a word PERFECTION! I listened for hours and just couldn’t stop running back to the shelf to grab another CD to audition. Even my fianc�, who I must admit thought I had gone off the deep end with all of the system talk, was right there with me…! The MC352 has made the speakers COME ALIVE into a sound of their own! We look forward to many years of musical BLISS! Thank you and I look forward to my next McIntosh purchase from Audio Classics. J.R., VA
C220 & MC352: Got’em, hooked’em up and played’em all day. I let me friend have the chair all afternoon. He’s an old retired guy, I think we’re the only 2 audio guys on the island. He was absolutely blown away and may be calling you. …. it’s absolutely effortless, smoother, way more dynamic, detailed and very open…..and warm, beautiful. Thanks, I am very happy with my purchase. M.S. HI
You were probably wondering … FANTASTIC ! I am amazed at the enjoyability of the music this amp creates. As with all your previous recommendations, the MC352 adds to the overall sonic pleasure of my system – actually, I can’t imagine the Dahlquists sounding much better. One very tangible thing has been (CD by CD and record by record) a consistent, reduction in the need for the dbx/3BX ‘assistance’ – probably not a surprise to you, but unexpected by me. Apparently, the passages are being brought out by the raw power, which is not raw at all, just evident. So much for my audio terminology finesse. Overall, the fun of the visit, your attention and helpfulness, and last but not least most generous dealmaking was truly an experience I owe you for. Thanks an awful lot, L.C., PA
Today i received the MC352 🙂 Thank you, the shipping an package was very professional. he comes on a pallet. I’m very happy 🙂 M.S. Switzerland
C2200/MC352 I got them going! I’m literally moved to tears, while I’m the victim of a subtle abduction, strangled in a mellow embrace of sound marvels… I thought I knew what high fidelity is about, but I just realized I was wrong! You never stop learning (and getting amazed)! The “thickness” of the sound is frightening, bass is as deep as can be, the depth and reconstruction of soundstage a world-class reference, the timbrical correctness is just incredible, the black holes surrounding every instrument so black you might get lost into them, the proportions between instruments never matched before, subtle details I heard for the first time from CD’s I’ve known for 20 years and that I’ve used as reference recordings for a number of times… ! A legendary experience, apparently so unreal that I’m afraid I might be dreaming…! The C2200 is a real monster of accuracy, the M352 a muscle tiger tiptoeing on velvet cushions, and my old Tannoys turned out to provide as good a companionship as anyone would desire, a real miracle! Is my audiophile career at an end? Maybe not, but…should this be the case, I wouldn’t mind! My heartfelt gratefulness goes to all those who, a various levels, have given their contribution to make this dream come true. Hoping to see all of you soon again, receive my kindest regards, S. Italy
I was playing the Chris Isaak song Blue Spanish Skies on my stereo at about 35 watts continuous on all four amplifiers and it sounded unreal.The bass was incredible and it made my body feel like it was suspended in mid air. The guitars cascaded like a waterfall through the song and the vocals were deep and powerful but still subtle at the same time. The entire time this was going on my body was pulled into the pulse of the song.It was like an out of body experience without the use of drugs or meditation. McIntosh really hit the nail on the head with this equipment. C.M., Canada
Just got through about 6 straight hours of listening to these PMC OB1 Speakers. VERY IMPRESSIVE. They sound fantastic. They seem to be a perfect match for the McIntosh C2200, and MC352. The sound is warm, while clear and well defined, with really very good bass response for a smaller Bass Driver. The mid’s and highs and very good. From very soft to very loud volumes they perform very well. They never seem stressed or strained at high volumes. They play just the music, and that is just what I want. Thanks for suggesting these to me. M.B., CT
the items arrived and they are marvelous. Very great sound. Thank you again, see you next business. All the best E.C., Italy
I have owned and enjoyed McIntosh equipment for over 40 years and I trust McIntosh. Every day I use my C-46 preamp and 352 amp to play compact disks when I exercise in the basement and/or I use my other C46- and 205 CD player upstairs. I have also had a wonderful relationship with Mike at Audioclassics. I will only buy equipment that is made by McIntosh and that Mike sells to me. In these times of disposable everything, it is nice to be happy with a good quality purchase that endures. J.S., VA.
I would like to inform you that it’s arrived… (The MC352!! ….. I took half a day off and I went to pick it up with my car…. Wow, was so heavy, It’s been a challenge to unpack it and to position it on my hifi rack, but I did it all alone. It is pefect, also packed in a way very professional and safe. In this moment is playing and finally I’m starting to relax. Thanks again to you and all the audioclassics staffs, you are very professional, I hope one day we could met personally. I will start to advertise you to all my friends. R.M., Italy
I just wanted to let you know that the MC352 is everything I hoped for and much more. This thing is just amazing! I thought that my MC150 was great but the MC352 takes the music and emotion to the next level! A pure pleasure to listen to! Thanks for all the help, I am a customer for life! Will talk to you here in a month or so when I purchase the MX406. Many Thanks, M.R., NE
Wow, the amplifier is fantastic. ….The cosmetics is incredible. Sound impressive. A pleasure doing business with you, because there will be more. I apologize for my English. I’m not able to express all my gratitude and joy. S.V., Spain
…. I’ve been busy listening! I love the Summits and I’m glad I went with them over the vantages. The McIntosh gear is fantastic. I know it is expensive, but I think it is really a great value for the high end world. Thanks again, J.H. NY
I received the MC 352 few days ago : all is perfect! a wonderful sound ! Thanks for your advices; C.G., France
I would like to inform you that it’s arrived…(The MC352)!!!!! Wow, was so heavy, It’s been a challenge to unpack it and to position it on my hifi rack, but I did it all alone. It is pefect, also packed in a way very professional and safe. In this moment is playing and finally I’m starting to relax. Thanks again to you and all the audioclassics staffs, you are very professional, I hope one day we could met personally. I will start to advertise you to all my friends. R.M., Italy
I’ve been listenig to the MC352 for all week end. The amp is very good, just what I was looking for. Great ! A.M., Italy
…. both of us were very surprised by what we heard and the difference in sound quality that we were being treated to. Of course, I am sure that the C45 and the MCD201 also contributed to the improvement we heard. Still, I am very confident that a good portion of that is due to the 352. I am very surprised at how good the Proacs now sound. I was debating whether or not I would now also have to improve my speakers, but I don’t think that that is necessary anymore. Interestingly enough, the improvement in sound quality of the MR85 really surprised me. Even the digital cable music that I pipe in through my sound system suddenly sounded much better. All this to say that while I expected an improvement, the improvement was more, a lot more than I had anticipated. I think my wife said it best, after spending all kinds of money shopping at the outlet mall and assessing whether or not we got our money’s worth, listening to the amp she said, “now that’s a worthy buy”. So thank you for your advice and for your patience, it’s very much appreciated. Please thank Brian for the demo he gave us with the Dream system. R.H., Canada
I have began something I call “listening sessions”, with chosen friends, and musical reporters I know. The session open the morning at 10h30 and finish at 15:00. Each person bring one of his favorite record (CD or vinyl) and I play it on my system. Then I look their happy faces, and it’s my reward. We drink a glass of wine with some light food, and everybody come back home with a lighter footstep Y.M., France
Well, after some adventures with french administration, and much more money as provided, the MC 352 is at last, arrived well and safe. Comparing with my last Conrad-Johson MF 200, wich wasn’nt bad, the 352 is better everywhere. So now, I think everybody knows this is one one best amplifier on the hi-fi planet and my dream comes true. I was waiting for this moment from 30 years. The particular sound of this amp, is something near silk touch of valves amplifiers, but with powerful very very far from tubes. The difference between a BMW 325, and a Ferrari. My la Scalas blow and sing as never. i’ve upgraded their filters and now the amp drives them very strongly, but finely. As we say in France “an iron hand in a velvet glove”. The most important, may be the only thing to mention here, is the real kindness of the Audioclassics team. A very special mention to my friend Mister Frank Gow. This man is an exceptional person, very rare. So patient with my questions, with my anxiety. Cool, calm, and a great expert. If you need to buy a good machine, the only adress : Audioclassics.Thank you again, Frank, and I think I shall give you some news regulars.Y.RM, France
..the McIntosh MC352 amplifier was delivered. Hooked it up and noticed a big difference in the sound from the Mc2250. Clean and fast, not as warm as the 2250. The construction, sound quality and the physical appearance of this instrument is in a class all of its own. The large meters are easy to read. This instrument is not only pleasing to the ears but to the eyes as well. Massive size & weight. This amplifier is a prime example of the engineering, quality and well thought out design that has separated the McIntosh instruments from all the rest. I highly recommended this amp. M.A., LA.
Good call on that amp. Ah the new mc. Is nice. Thank you for your guidance on the mc352 and the autographed book. The amp and book I will cherish them both for the rest of my life. M.A., LA
Now gear with the Audio Classics LED kits allready installed is a blessing & i’d be willing to pay a bit extra for such gear,i wouldnt classify putting a better lighting system from AC in Mac gear a mod, more like a must. from listing
When I was a little kid in the early seventies my dad would wake the whole house up on weekend mornings with lots of classical music, simon & garfunkel, cat stevens, and pancakes..yummm. My dads stereo back then was a Pioneer 4 channel reciver with some huge homemade speakers made by one of my 4 brothers. That system was awesome ! Then as we got a little older my sister started dating this guy Jim, one day in the late seventies I went over to Jims house I saw and heard my first Mcintosh stereo ! From that day I was a Mcintosh person, even though I was only 14 and could not afford such equipment I knew people that could afford it whenever I was around my dad or brothers or anyone who would listen I would tell them to buy a Mcintosh stereo . Dad fell first in the early 80’s and bought a whole Mcintosh system 2255 c33 xrt22’s thorens turntable, Tandberg reel to reel. That stereo still remains in his home today !! My brother … fell after dad in the mid 80’s and started buying Mcintosh pieces , my cousin …. bought a Mcintosh system with Klipsch spkrs. I got married 🙂 By the late 80’s I had somehow aquired 2 pairs of Mcintosh speakers (xr5’s i think ) along with a 2125 amp and c27 preamp !!, I was in heaven . Over the years my brothers ….. have all purchased Mcintosh systems and they are all different . I’ve listened to alot of systems in my lifetime and lived with an everchanging system my whole life, Ive always owned solid state amps and have been very happy with them …but somewhere in the back of my mind I always felt I was missing something special for not owning any tube gear . Now , on a hot summer afternoon in Texas the UPS driver pulls up in front of my house …after I help him get the 1 large box and 1 lighter one thru my front door I start unpacking the Amp and CD player, everything arrived in perfect condition ! After a week of listening to a lot of rock and jazz the mc352 and cd201 is a match made in Solid state heaven !!!!! I am hearing soooo much more information now!! AND any thought I had about buying tube gear has gone right out the window !! The music coming out of my dynaudio speakers is …well …So MUSICAL !!! Im still in a state of musical bliss re listening to my whole collection of cd’s all over agian !!! I cant say enough how this amp-cd combo is giving me sound like the finest tube gear without tubes !! … I lOVE YOU GUYS !!! 🙂 Customer for Life ! M.M., TX
A note to McIntosh from a satisfied Customer: I just thought i would drop you a line to tell you that I fullfilled a dream i had for about 15 years. I was able to afford some used McIntosh Gear from Audio Classics a few weeks ago. Sorry i could not buy new but it took me forever to be able to get whatI got. I know that new equipment sales keeps your company going of course, but for what I wanted it was just out of reach and I couldn’t wait any longer to own a piece of McIntosh gear. I was able to pick up a MC352 and C41, and I can tell you that i am in heaven. I am hearing music I never heard before. These pieces have such musical presence it is unbelievable. There are just no words to explain the experience of hearing a McIntosh in your living room for the first time! It was worth the wait, and I would like to say thank you for being a fine company and making some of the most beautiful sounding and looking audio equipment on the planet. Again, I wish I could have bought new, but I was able to get some incredible equipment and start my McIntosh dream off on a good foot. I will some day build on my investment, and hopefully get myself a new MCD201 as soon as possible. Thanks again M.B. CT.
I got the MC352 and C41 about 3 hours ago – hooked it up immediately upon arrival,took the day off work to be here for the UPS truck, turned it on, put in one of my CD’s and…………….. WOW! This was worth the wait. You were great to work with. I already told someone else to call you guys about getting a setup like mine! M.B., CT.
many thankses to you and the staff audioclassics for the splendid one mcintosh mc352 that or received. it still compliments and thanks. m.p. (italy)
I love it it. I can listen all day, it is such a pleasant sound and the realism and clarity are beyond belief. D.I., CT
I finally set up the MC352 this past weekend and it is truly rich to listen to. The clarity and warmth makes my speakers sound so much better. The hard quality is gone and definition improved. What a find! Thanks so much. I look forward to making further improvements at some point and I will call you then. D.I., CT
The MC352 arrived today, and I hooked it up (I even managed to get it into my rack – guess I don’t know my own strength!) It sounds wonderful! I’m on my second SACD through it, Thelonious Monk’s Straight, No Chaser. (Diana Krall’s The Girl in the Other Room was first). I can already tell that this amp is going to log a lot of hours And the condition is excellent…… R.S., IL
I bought mine a few weeks ago from Audio Classics. I couldn’t be more happy. Especially with the Service from Audio Classics. Outstanding ! R.M. TX
Couldn’t be happier with the AMP. I’d do business with you guys again any day of the week! T.H, MA
This amp is very amazing out of the box. All aspects of my system have improved considerably. The bass response is phenomenal. The gorgeous appearance doen’t hurt either. I am sure the sound will improve as the amp breaks in. I can’t thank you enough for the great advice and for steering me in this direction. M.D., NY
…thank you. I never thought my B&W 802’s could sound as good as they do, the MC352 is a perfect match for these speakers. I’ve had the Nautilus 802’s for about 5 years and now I can see that I never truly heard them before, incredible sound. S.M., PA.
the MC352 arrived… I spent the days inbetween rearranging my entertainment center and running a second dedicated circuit from my main electrical box for the new McIntosh. I converted the new 352 and my other 352 into Mono and hooked them up to my Transparent Ultra speaker cables to my Watt/Puppy 7s. The sound is better than great, it is everything I could want it to be. Like being there is an overused phrase but totally appropriate in this case. There may be something better out there, but who would possibly care. Thank you for your professionalism and friendliness, thank the entire staff at audio classics for truly caring each time I called with a question including Kelly in the business office and Dick in shipping. I have never dealt with a better group of people. I have been excited with new equipment before, but this time I am totally satisfied with my entire system. Thanks again, H.A., FL.
MC500 is slightly older, (1994-1999) and, of course, a bit more powerful, but the MC352 had the Quad-Balanced design that the MC500 lacked. This gives you even lower distortion and better S/N, and is the standard design for our bigger amps today. The MC352 was our best selling amp through out it’s model life and Audio Classics offers a kit to convert it to the Fiber optic/LED lighting so the bulbs wont burn out. Unless you have a very inefficient speaker that needs the extra watts of the MC500, I would go with the 352. Chuck Hinton of McIntosh Tech Support
Thiel CS3.6, MC352, C2200, MVP831, VPI Scout. Let me tell you the Thiels sound unbelievable with the 352, I kept reading that the 3.6’s need huge amounts of power and current… they take every bit of the power that the 352 delivers while sounding effortless… I sit only 5 feet away from them with the meters approaching 350! I could never feed my KEF Reference 3-2’s even half this amount. And the Thiel customer service is second to none. Anyway, thought you would be interested in how well these speakers do with McIntosh components. Now all I have to do is buy another MC352 to run bridged mono! Thanks, B.F., OH
….. in shipping for doing such a great job in preparing my MC352 for shipment ….. It arrived in perfect condition… D.vZ., MI
RE MC352 : This is one awesome amp!! Just what the B&W 801’s needed to make them sound off. I am now using it for the low end with the MC275 driving the mid/highs.Just finished listening to Beethoven’s Emperor piano concerto. The sound was fantastic, probably the best rendition I have heard. A.G., AR.
The MC352 arrived today. WOW! It is in great shape. Now that it is all set up I can not believe how good my speakers sound. I was starving them with the 100 Watts from the MC7106. Ernie, you did better than right by me, and I really appreciate it. R.R., OK. I wanted to let you know how much I am loving the MC352 C2200 combo with the WattPupps. Way cool. Thanks again. C.B., MN.
RE MC352 : This amp has now been here for a few days.Brilliantly packed and working very well. Really a pleasure doing business with you. J.D., South Africa
First of all, let me tell you how much i enjoy the MC 352 you�ve selled me in January, and how I was enthusthiastic with your professionalism in shipping, informing and so on� It was magic: on Monday afternoon I�ve ordered and paid on your website, and the amp was in my house on Friday, near Paris�JM. A., France
the performance of the (MC)352 vs. the (MC)300 is definitely noticeable – I like it alot! – weighs a ton though – Lucky for me I can’t afford (well – spend the money on) one of their bigger ones……..yet! Can’t help but think that Mac must get some sort of twisted satisfaction everytime they sell something and the poor buyer has to bust a nut moving and unpacking one of their products… Oh well the amp is everything you reported. J.R. NY
As expected, the new McIntosh pieces are wonderful. I admit initially having low expectations for the (MR85) tuner but was quite surprised in the overall tonal quality improvement and reception …almost CD quality sound and imaging using a cheap Radio Shack dipole antenna! The new MC352 far exceeded my expectations also. It literally transformed my whole system! I’m no longer needing to use the tone controls and the loudness switch to compensate for inadequate bass and excess treble. It gave dynamics to the system that just were not present with the MC162. And, the speakers are also transformed from merely good to now much better balanced, less excess treble and now a strong, full bass, with great imaging ….. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard what a MC352 does for the SL-6 speakers, but I think that even you what be quite pleasantly surprised! Looking forward to my next McIntosh upgrade.W.R., NY
Re: McIntosh C2200, MC352, MCD205, Nautilus 801s RY COODER AND DANS FLASHLIGHT are performing well. (We are) are awash in two channel splendor thanks to your superb selection of wonderful instruments and outstanding installation…I cant recall spending some twenty thousand dollars in a more pleasant satisfying manner. I would have written sooner if my relaxed state of mind permitted. I’ll be calling soon for further insights into the windmills of two channel and the likes….AND now some COUNT BASIE, ELLA, EMANUEL AX, YOYO MA, FLEETWOOD MAC, JOAN BAEZ and on and on and on………N.G. NJ